Education and research

2022-*: Artistic Research Fellow at the Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo

2021: Completed doctoral degree, philosophical aesthetics, University of Helsinki
Including studies from Columbia University and the University of Bergen

2015-2018: Research Scholarship in composition, The Grieg Academy, University of Bergen

2013: Completed Master’s degree in composition of music, The Grieg Acedemy, University of Bergen
2010: Completed Bachelor’s degree in composition of music, The Grieg Academy, University of Bergen

2010: Completed Master’s degree in philosophy, University of Bergen
2007: Completed Bachelor’s degree in cultural sciences, specializing in philosophy, University of Bergen
Including studies from Freie Universitet Berlin and the University of Helsinki

Teachers/ Supervisors/ Master classes (music)

Morten Eide Pedersen, Helmut Lachenmann, Christian Wolff, Michael Finissy, Karen Tanaka, Bent Sørensen, Mathias Spahlinger, Kaija Saariaho, Magne Hegdal, Anna Lindahl, Henrik Hellstenius, Natasha Barrett

Teachers/ Supervisors (philosophy, phd)

Arto Haapala, Lydia Goehr, Arnfinn Bø-Rygg, Vibeke Tellmann

Teachers/ Supervisors (composition, phd)

Dr. Ellen Ugelvik (NMH) and producer Hallgeir Rustan (Stargate)

Board membership/ representation:

2021-2023 TONO; “Musikk og tekstfaglige utvalg”
2020-2023 Art Council Norway, member of the board
2016-2023 Art Council Norway, member of the committee “Turné og virksomhetsstøtte”, leader since 2018.
2019-2020 Board leader of Avgarde
2013-2018 Board member of Norsk Komponistforening
2012-2013 Board member of Ny Musikks Komponistgruppe

Work experience (most relevant):

2010-2014, 2017-2020: Lecturer at the University of Bergen; Academic writing and Examen Philosophicum, engagements of 45-90% each fall.
2017 (fall): Lecturer at the Norwegian Academy of Music, “Composition and improvisation”; from 31st Aug to 26th October
2015-2017: Lecturer at the Grieg Academy, University of Bergen, lectures and individual tuition in composition
2015-2017: Lecturer at the Grieg Academy, University of Bergen, “Contemporary compositional techniques for performing musicians”
2011-2014: Producer and general manager of the concert series AVGARDE, Bergen
Autumn 2009, autumn 2010: Research assistant at Music therapy, the Grieg Academy, University of Bergen
Autumn 2007, spring 2009: Substitute teacher in philosophy in Finland: Kaurialan- og Lyseon lukio (high schools), 2 and 3 weeks.

Published Writings:

Ahvenniemi, R.S.: Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Kompositoriske strategier i lys av en imaginær opera. En undersøkelse av kritisk musikk”. In: Når musikken tek form. Om skapande praksisar i musikk. Fagbokforlaget, 2025.
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Symfoniorkesteret: en infantil institusjon?“. In: Ballade, 28.5.2024
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Lyd, stillhet og mellomrom. En konsertforelesning om det urovekkende”. In: Ballade, 24.6.2022
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Musical Compositions and Fractures. Leaving Traces in Material, Technique, and Thought”. In: The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 31, No. 63, 2022, pp. 44-63.
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Three Modes of Estrangement. Musical Explorations of the Modern Manifestation of the Free Self”. In: Musiikki, 02/2022, vol. 52, pp. 43-68.
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Overcoming the ‘Male Gaze’ of Music. Towards Renewed Compositional Strategies”. In: The Routledge Handbook of Women’s Work in Music. Routledge, 2021
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: Musical Composition as Lingering Reflection. Exploring the Critical Potential of Music. Helsinki: Unigrafia, 2021
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Et musikkfilosofisk essay om fremmedgjøring – del 2”. In: Ballade, 5.7.2021
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Et musikkfilosofisk essay om fremmedgjøring – del 1”. In: Ballade, 2.7.2021
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Composition of Vocal Music. Against Primacy of Content”. In: Studia Musicologica Norvegica, 46-1, 2020, pp. 9-24.
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “You’re Beyoncé!” Interview by Ida Habbestad. In: Ballade, 2.5.2018, [10.6.2018]
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Finnes det et ‘male gaze’ i musikken?“. In: Ballade, 21.11.2017
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: Valgstafett. In: Ballade, 8.9.2017
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Bergensskolen – finnes den?” In: Hundre års utakt, Komponistforeningen, Grappa Musikkforlag AS, 2017
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Bergensskolen. Den stille og drøftende musikken.” In: Ballade, 22.4.2016
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Composition in Essay Form. In Memory of Morten Eide Pedersen”. In: Studia Musicologica Norvegica, 1-2015, pp. 127-141
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Le vin herbé – En flaskepost fra 1941“. In: Scenekunst, 25.2.2014
Ahvenniemi, R. S.: “Språk, stemme og kropp. Et essay om språkfilosofi og vokalmusikk, og hva som kan skje i møtet mellom dem”. In: Lydskrift, Sept-2013
Ahvenniemi, R.S.: “Sannhet som kunst: Om å lese Heidegger og Adorno”. In: Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift, 3-2011, pp. 225-237
Ahvenniemi, R. S.: “Sannhet som kunst: En presentasjon av sannhetsbegrepene til Martin Heidegger og Theodor W. Adorno”. In: Årbok 2010. Bergensnettverket for kvinner i filosofi, 2011, pp. 29-44
Ahvenniemi, R. S.: “Hva er et tre? – Om Theodor W. Adorno, språk og natur”. In: Replikk, vol.30, 2010, pp. 19-27

Honours: awards, prizes and grants:

2022: “The encouragement award” for the doctoral dissertation in 2021; awarded by the University of Helsinki, Department of Aesthetics.
2022: House composer of KODE, the art museums of Bergen, Norway.
2022: Festival composer of Kaustinen Chamber Music Festival, Finland.
2021: 1-year artist grant for compositional work, awarded by The Municipality of Bergen, Norway.
2020: “Young and promising composer” -award, handed out by the winner of ‘Musikkforleggerprisen’, Norway.
2018: A 2-years’ artist grant for compositional work, awarded by the Norwegian Government.
2016: A 2-years’ research grant for compositional work, engagement by the Grieg Academy, University of Bergen.
2001: “Sinustako Sibelius”-prize for the composition “Min barndoms träd”, granted by The Municipality of Hämeenlinna, Finland.

(Only grants of one year or longer are mentioned.)

Participation in Public Panels:

_2nd April 2022: “Kva er ein norsk komponist?”, arranged by NTNU, Institutt for musikk, in collaboration with Norsk Komponistforening; Discussion lead by Solveig Rønning and Solveig Rivenes Lone
_13th March 2018
: “Musikk i språk”, arranged by Litteratur på blå; Participants: Vibeke Andrea Tellmann and Rebecka Sofia Ahvenniemi; Discussion lead by Ola Mile Bruland
_29th May 2017: “Talking Balance with Kaija Saariaho”, arranged by Festspillene 2017; Participants: Kaija Saariaho, Rune Rebne, and Rebecka Sofia Ahvenniemi; Discusson lead by Peter Meanwell
_7th March 2017: “Komponist og kvinne”,
 arranged by Studentersamfunnet i Bergen; Participants: Astrid Kvalbein, Cecilie Ore, Rube Rebne og Rebecka Sofia Ahvenniemi; Discussion lead by Susanne Lohne Iversen

Language skills:

English: Excellent
Finnish: Mother tongue
French: Basic
Norwegian: Excellent
Swedish: Mother tongue
German: Good

(In an alphabetic order, the scale being: Mother tongue – Excellent – Good – Basic)