Category: Uncategorized

Lydia Goehr in Bergen: “Philosophy Meets Music”

The Bergen Network for Women in Philosophy (Bergensnettverket for kvinner i filosofi) hosted the conference “Philosophy Meets Music” from 29th to 30th May 2018. Professor Lydia Goehr from Columbia University was invited as the keynote speaker. The participating audience consisted of philosophers from the University of Bergen and other areas of Norway, composers from the Grieg Academy, and festival audiences and performers from the Bergen International Festival (Festspillene), who collaborated with the conference. The seminar sessions were mainly located in small or normal-sized classrooms, where the dynamics between the speakers and the audiences were non-hierarchical and the discussions not too formal.

Dumpster Diving for Art

“Dumpster diving”, in the context of art, suggests that valuable things can be found anywhere, also in the garbage of others. I came across the expression in the chapter “No guilty pleasures” in Austin Kleon’s book Show Your Work (2014). As Kleon mentions, we all love some things that other people think are garbage.

I’d like to try out the idea that looking for art in “garbage”, those things we don’t really like to admit we experience as pleasurable, might even make us more interesting and independent as artists. There’s no good reason to define specific experiences as “guilty pleasures”, and therefore exclude them as not suitable sources of influence.

«Ingen kommer undan politiken»

Noen tanker om kvinners deltagelse i politikken, med utgangpsunkt i Kadra Yusuf sin kronikk «Damer og demokrati» i Dagsavisen:

«At mange av oss kvinner bare vil ha det koselig og behagelig, reise innover, kjenne etter, sky kritikk og alt som kan være litt ubehagelig. Men kan denne stadige innover-reisen gå på bekostning av noe annet? Som f.eks. vårt engasjement og deltakelse i demokratiet? Vi kvinner har betydelig lavere interesse for nyheter enn menn, og kvinner vet minst om nyhetsbildet (…)»
Link til teksten i Dagsavisen